Ratings EN

Ratings Ratings Moody’s Standard & Poor’s Short-term P-1 A-1+ Long-term Aaa AAA Outlook Stable Stable   Reports S&P Research Update, 11 June, 2024397 KiBMoody's Update on Credit Opinion 16 August 20231.2 MiBS&P Research Update, 26 June, 2023400 KiBMoody's Update on Credit Opinion, December 15, 20221.2 MiBS&P Research Update, 28 June 2022386 KiBMoody's Update on Credit…

Reports and Accounts

Reports and Accounts Annual reports Annual Report 20237.7 MiBAnnual Report 20224.5 MiBAnnual Report 20214.6 MiBAnnual Report 2020 Web4.7 MiBAnnual Report 2020 Print3.7 MiBAnnual Report 2019 Web4.5 MiBAnnual Report 2019 Print5.3 MiBAnnual Report 2018 (web)4.6 MiBAnnual Report 2018 (print)3.9 MiBAnnual Report 2017 Web Navigation4.8 MiBAnnual Report 20174.1 MiBAnnual Report 20165.2 MiBAnnual Report 20153.6 MiB Interim reports…


Contact KommuneKredit Kultorvet 16 1175 Copenhagen K Denmark Phone:  +45 3311 1512 Fax: +45 3391 1521 e-mail: kk@kommunekredit.dk   Official office hours are: Monday – Thursday:     9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (CET) Friday:     9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (CET)

Press releases

Press releases KommuneKredit-EUR-10Y-2028-GreenBond-Press-Points-Final28/06/2018 KK PressRelease GreenBond UK28/06/2018 KommuneKredit-USD-1bn-3yr-Switch-Tender-Press-Release 06061828/06/2018 Press Release New Board of Directors28/06/2018 KommuneKredit-Press-Release-GBP-Buyback-and-New-October-2022 17041828/06/2018 Kommunekredit-EUR-5yr-Press-Release 06031828/06/2018 Preliminary-announcement-of-Financial-Statement-2-March-201828/06/2018 Preliminary-announcement-of-Financial-Statement-2-March-201828/06/2018 KK-press-release 17011828/06/2018 KK PressRelease 2018060128/06/2018 Press-Release-3-January-2018-New-Offer-and-Buy-Back28/06/2018 Press-Release-3-January-2018-New-Offer-and-Buy-Back28/06/2018 Press Release Switch Tender Offer28/06/2018 Press Release New Managing Director28/06/2018 Press Release USD Benchmark and Tender and Switch Offer 1011201710/11/2017 KommuneKredit 5yr EUR Benchmark Transaction 201702/10/2017 Press…

Green Bond Commitee

Green Bond Committee Voting Members Mr. Henrik Andersen, Managing Director, KommuneKredit (Chairman) Mr. Carl Hellmers, CEO, Fredericia Forsyning Mr. Hans-Martin Friis Møller, CEO, Kalundborg Forsyning Ms. Trine Lindegaard Holmberg, CEO, ARGO Ms. Guri Weihe, Head of Sustainable Finance, KommuneKredit   Non-voting Members Mr. Lasse Pinderup Nygaard, Sustainable Finance Manager, KommuneKredit (Alternate) Ms. Helle Winther, Sustainable…

Second Opinion

Second Opinion from CICERO – 7. April 2017 CICERO has provided a Second Opinion on KommuneKredit’s Green Bond Framework and policies for considering the environmental impacts of our projects.   Read CICERO’s Second Opinion here

Green Bond Framework and second party opinion

Green Bond Framework and second party opinion The Green Bond Framework describes the processes involved at KommuneKredit in the issuance of green bonds, including our governance, eligible loan categories and reporting practices.   Current framework KommuneKredits current Green Bond Framework was launched in February 2022.   The framework is aligned with ICMA’s Green Bond Principles…

Green Bonds

KommuneKredit is a regular issuer of green bonds in the capital markets. The inaugural green bond was launched in 2017 and has been followed by annual issues in the period 2018-2021.

ELENA – A Subsidy to IEE II projects

ELENA – A Subsidy to IEE II projects The EU has established a programme called ELENA, European Local Energy Assistance, as part of the battle against climate changes. The ELENA-programme is part of a larger EU energy initiative – Intelligent Energy Europe. KommuneKredit’s members are included in the target group for ELENA.   The programme…

Lending and leasing

Lending and leasing KommuneKredit is a financial institution that specialises in lending and financial leasing to local governments in Denmark or entities guaranteed directly or indirectly by these local governments. Hence KommuneKredit cannot extend the client base outside the Kingdom of Denmark. The financing of local governments is performed according to regulation restricted to financing…