Status on and initiatives for environmental responsibility

With five objectives focused on climate and environmental responsibility, we work intensively in this area both with our products and services and in our own operations. At the same time, we emphasise our ambitions to continue supporting our customers' efforts to combat climate change.

Status on our five climate and environmental objectives

Examples of initiatives directed towards our products

  1. We updated our Green Bond Framework in 2022, including new categories to ensure that the purposes we finance align more closely with the categories in the EU taxonomy for green activities. Additionally, we have tightened the criteria for what qualifies as green and have improved our impact reporting.

  2. We are in the process of mapping emissions from our lending and investment portfolio (scope 3).

Examples of initiatives directed towards our operations

  1. We have included emissions from our canteen's operations and travels in our scope 3 emissions.

  2. In relation to our core business, we have launched an updated Green Bond Framework (2022) for green bonds and loans, taken communication initiatives focusing on our green financing, introduced digital green loan processes, and provided training in green customer advisory.

  3. Regarding our travel activities, we have established a new and more considerate travel policy: for example, we have eliminated company cars and we encourage our employees to use more climate-friendly transport and more online meetings.

  4. When it comes to environmental initiatives, we have eliminated plastic bottles, introduced sustainable printing paper, established follow-me print solutions and implemented sustainable disposal of IT equipment.

  5. In the environmental area, we have introduced digital control of our lighting and LED lighting, and reduced room temperatures outside working hours.

  6. We offer vegetarian dishes in our canteen every day, and one day a week, the main course is vegetarian.

  7. We work to include more categories in our calculations of scope 3 emissions.

  8. We have entered into an afforestation agreement with Scanenergi.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday