Status of and initiatives for governance responsibility

Status on our two governance responsibility objectives

Examples of initiatives directed towards our products

  1. We strive to collect better data about our lending, including loans for social projects.

  2. We have presented KommuneKredit at industry association meetings and participated in other events to increase the visibility of our ESG profile.

Examples of initiatives directed towards our operations

  1. We have established an internal ESG committee that helps drive ESG efforts and embed initiatives among employees.

  2. We have held an ESG day for all employees.

  3. We have introduced principles for change management and launched a change management handbook to support managers in their daily work.

  4. We work to strengthen our ESG data reporting.

  5. We have incorporated ESG considerations into the template we use for proposals to our Executive Management.

  6. We have strengthened our business processes and work descriptions for ESG processes and data.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday