Status on and initiatives for social responsibility

We continuously implement initiatives focusing on social responsibility. With our two objectives in the area of social initiatives, we highlight internal matters, where we strive to create an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity and ensures employee well-being.

Status on our two social responsibility objectives

Examples of initiatives directed towards our products

  1. We will use data to improve the description of the social activities that KommuneKredit finance across the country.

Examples of initiatives directed towards our operations

  1. We have signed a collective agreement with the Danish Financial Services Union, Fi­nans­for­bun­det. This means that our employees are covered by the collective agreement with the union.

  2. On a trial basis, we have introduced volunteer work of up to eight working hours a year.

  3. We have hired trainees at KommuneKredit and, after a successful internship programme, we have hired an employee who came to Denmark due to the war in Ukraine.

  4. We offer flexibility and work from home.

  5. We have implemented a stress guide for our employees.

  6. We offer annual health checks and flu vaccinations.

  7. We work to develop processes that promote diversity in recruitment and post job adverts with gender-neutral and inclusive wording that encourage everyone, regardless of age, cultural background etc. to apply for our positions.

  8. We measure our employees' well-being once a year and follow up with initiatives to maintain our high score in the industry.

  9. We have developed guidelines for diversity and set targets for the un­der­re­p­re­sen­ted gender.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday