Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

To KommuneKredit, social responsibility means the we integrate environmental, social, ethical and governance (ESG) considerations in all aspects of our business – in lending, funding, investment, operations and governance. KommuneKredit aims to contribute to sustainable development and support our members’ central role in Danish society, including the green transformation of the Danish society.

Target group and scope

The policy serves as a guideline for all KommuneKredit’s managers, employees and activities.


The policy builds on KommuneKredit’s support for:

recognised principles for responsible corporate governance; the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals; the UN climate goals for reducing greenhouse gases (the Paris Agreement) and Denmark’s climate goals the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance.

Principles for corporate social responsibility and sustainability

The policy comprises a number of principles providing a guideline for KommuneKredit’s social responsibility and sustainability activities.

Green and sustainable financing: KommuneKredit will support the sustainable transition ambitions of Danish local authorities by offering green loans according to the association’s framework for green lending and green bond issuances (Green Bond Framework).

Environmental and climate considerations: KommuneKredit will work to mitigate its own environmental and climate impact of businesses in connection with the operations and procurement activities of the company.

Diversity and job satisfaction: KommuneKredit will support inclusiveness, diversity, professional development and job satisfaction and takes a zero- tolerance approach to any form of discrimination and harassment.

Good business ethics: KommuneKredit will at all times demonstrate good corporate governance through responsible and effective management and takes a zero- tolerance approach to any form of bribery and corruption.

Openness and communication: KommuneKredit will create transparency through open and clear communications about both the positive and the negative environmental and social impacts caused by the company’s activities.

The policy will translate into focus areas and specific targets to be decided by the Management Board or the Board of Directors.

External reporting

Annually, KommuneKredit reports on its ESG initiatives in the association’s annual report. The annual report is approved by the board. The ESG reporting in the annual report should account for the association’s activities and results related to ESG, the status of ESG objectives, describe any new objectives, and outline the development in the association’s ESG indicators.

Commencement, publication and revision

The policy will take effect once it has been approved by the Board of Directors and must be publicly available on www.kommunekredit.dk. The policy will be revised when required, and any amendments must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday