Green bonds

Since 2017, investments in Kom­mu­ne­Kre­dit's green bonds have financed Denmark's climate transition. The proceeds are used for critical investments in projects such as energy-efficient district heating, clean drinking water, and electrified transport, benefiting households across Denmark. We publish annual reports on the reductions of greenhouse gas emissions financed by these investments.

Supporting green ambitions

Our investors' demand for green bonds and sustainable investments is growing steadily. So are our customers' investments in the transition towards low carbon and ultimately net-zero communities. Our customers' climate action plans contribute to the Danish Government’s climate goals of a 70 per cent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030 compared to 1990 and for Denmark to be climate-neutral by 2050. By issuing green bonds, we provide our investors with the opportunity to invest in Danish green projects. Consequently, our green bonds help to ensure that our customers receive the most cost-effective financing for welfare and the green transition. We forecast a continuous expansion of our green loan portfolio. Our objective is to ensure that sustainable loans constitute at least 25 per cent of our total loan portfolio by 2025, with the proportion reaching 21 per cent at end 2022.

Read more about the ambitions of Denmark

Green bond highlights at end 2023


Green bond ratio

USD 750 m

Green bond issuance

DKK 27.9 bn

Total green bonds

Outstanding green bonds

ISINSize (m)Issue dateMaturityCoupon (%)Green Bond Framework
XS1622415674EUR 5001 June 201718 May 20270.752017
XS1851226891EUR 7505 July 20185 July 20280.752017
XS2081058096EUR 50019 November 201921 November 20390.6252017
XS2226280084EUR 5003 September 202026 September 20400.1252017
XS2240514336AUD 402 October 20201 October 20321.3362017
XS2400352949GBP 25020 October 202115 August 20240.752017
XS2489343793EUR 5008 June 202216 May 20290.0152022
XS2711552989USD 7501 November 20231 November 20270.0512022

Green Bond Framework

We issue green bonds based on our latest Green Bond Framework from 2022. The framework defines six categories of project types eligible for green loans: Clean transportation; Green buildings; Sustainable water and wastewater; Pollution prevention and control; Energy and Climate change adaptation. The framework also specifies how we document the impacts of the projects funded by green loans, allowing our investors to assess the impact of their investments on the climate and environment. The Green Bond Framework 2022 was established in accordance with the EU's taxonomy for sustainability and ICMA's Green Bond Principles.

Discover our Green Bond Framework

Green Bond Impact reporting

Each year, KommuneKredit reports on the environmental impacts of our green loans. We align our reporting with Nordic Public Sector Issuers - Position Paper on Green Bond Impact Reporting (2024) and apply a portfolio-based approach, reporting on impact at an aggregated level.

Find our latest Green Bond Impact Reports

The external members of the Green Bond Committee (from left): Hans-Martin Friis Møller, Senior Consultant, Kalundborg Utility; Trine Lindegaard Holmberg, CEO, ARGO; Carl Hellmers, CEO, Fredericia Utility.

Kom­mu­ne­Kre­dit's Green Bond Committee

Kom­mu­ne­Kre­dit's Green Bond Committee is mandated to improve or reject the preliminary green loans presented to them in line with the Green Bond Framework. The committee has five members, of whoom three are external experts and two are internal members.

Read more about our Green Bond Committee

Use of green proceeds

Green loans financed with green bonds

22 per cent of our total loans were categorised as green by end 2023. In the list of green projects, which we update annually, you will find a complete overview of investments financed with our green loans.

Explore the list of green projects

Green projects we have financed

Get in touch with our Sustainable Financing Team