Buyback policy

In order to manage our liquidity position, we actively manage the composition of our balance sheet and the maturity profile of issued debt securities. To this end we engage in buybacks of debt securities including bonds for which no two-way market is readily available.

We are a frequent issuer in the international capital markets. We are focused on developing and maintaining long-term relationships with our investors. We therefore actively manage the composition of our balance sheet and the maturity profile of issued debt securities. We consider this to be a service to our investors.

In line with these objectives, we will consider purchasing all or portions of any outstanding debt securities if we are contacted by one of our investors with an interest to sell. We will take various factors into account, including price, maturity date, currency, size and other internal considerations. However, our decision of whether to make a purchase is taken at our sole discretion.

As a firm policy, KommuneKredit does not cancel any purchased debt securities.

Buybacks of debt securities will be published on our website following completion of each buyback transaction.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday